
typing in front of a desktop using WordPress

Mastering the Subscription Business Model with WordPress

The subscription business model is a revenue strategy where customers pay a recurring fee at regular intervals (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or annually) to access and use a product or service. This approach has become increasingly popular across various industries due to its potential for steady and predictable revenue streams. WordPress’s adaptability and user-friendly features make it an ideal platform for managing subscription-based ventures. In this article, we will delve into the subscription business model with WordPress, its benefits, and strategies for implementing it effectively.

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laptop with statistics on screen

13 Traffic Boosting Strategies: How to Drive More Visitors to Your Website

Enhancing website traffic is a primary goal for anyone with an online presence. In this guide, we’ll delve into thirteen effective strategies to boost your website’s traffic. From optimizing for search engines to creating engaging content, we’ve got your website traffic covered. 1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing for Search Engines: Your first step is

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In MySQL the default value of a column should be null or empty? What are the pros and cons?

In MySQL, when defining a  column, you have the option to set a default value. Whether you should set it to NULL or an empty value (0 in the case of INTEGER) depends on your specific use case and requirements. Here are the pros and cons of each approach: Setting the default value to NULL:

In MySQL the default value of a column should be null or empty? What are the pros and cons? Read More »

drop falling into water and forming circles

Revitalize Your Brand: The Ultimate Guide to Complete Refreshment

As time goes by, your brand may need a little sprucing up. Maybe your message is no longer resonating with your audience or your visual identity feels outdated. Whatever the reason, a brand refresh can be a great way to give your business a new lease on life. In this new SZOUPI article, we’ll go

Revitalize Your Brand: The Ultimate Guide to Complete Refreshment Read More »

wall-e looking at a plant

Mastering Artificial Intelligence Integration: Best Practices for Transforming Business Operations

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer. Leveraging AI’s potential can supercharge your operations and give your business a competitive edge. This article will delve into essential best practices for effectively incorporating AI into your business operations.

Mastering Artificial Intelligence Integration: Best Practices for Transforming Business Operations Read More »

Understand & Use $wpdb Global Object WordPress

The $wpdb object is defined in the wp-includes/wp-db.php file. This file contains the class wpdb that extends the wpdb class from the db.php file. Understanding the $wpdb object and its class file is crucial for effective WordPress database operations. As you continue your WordPress journey, mastering this alongside the PHP language will empower you to

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diplay showing WordPress site

Preserving Custom Theme Modifications: How to Safely Edit functions.php Without Losing Changes During Theme Updates

Safely edit the functions.php file in WordPress by creating a child theme. Separate customizations, include the parent theme’s file, and use action hooks and filters. Preserve modifications during theme updates and enhance functionality with ease.

Preserving Custom Theme Modifications: How to Safely Edit functions.php Without Losing Changes During Theme Updates Read More »

WordPress and PHP tips

Debug echo ‘<pre>’; print_r($points_sum); echo ‘</pre>’; var_dump($wpdb->last_query); Three ways to pull data from the database. 1.$wpdb->get_var:use this to get a single value from the database table. Like if you want to count the total number of comments. You can do it in following way: <?php $comment_count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments;”)); echo ‘<p>Total comments:

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office with two displays

7 web design trends for standout sites – an SEO perspective

Welcome to the world of web design trends! In this article, we’ll explore the latest and most captivating design approaches that can elevate your website’s visual appeal and user experience. From minimalistic and dark mode designs to asymmetrical layouts, microinteractions, custom graphics, responsive design, and bold typography, we’ll delve into each trend, highlighting their unique

7 web design trends for standout sites – an SEO perspective Read More »

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